Et resourcesslcsd educational technology resources. *12/30/2005* - updated the game with my new website address.. .. I also increased the frame rate to make up for the lag of playing it in a browser.. so now the priest will walk at his intended speed, but the game may be a bit harder.
BEFORE PLAYING: If your computer is old, play this on low quality and cheat. Otherwise, you won't make it past the first guy. If your computer is decent, I'd still recommend medium quality as it looks very similar to high.
-if you can't gun down the little kids with the pistol (takes 3 shots) cheat under the options menu.. and pick all guns.
-the uzi is probably the most defensive weapon since you can aim it in one spot, hold down shoot, and let the guys run into it.. but if you're accurate, definitely use the shotgun.
-walk slow into the level. enemies appear based on how far you walk.. if you walk too far too quickly you'll get swarmed
-for the boss.. you can only shoot him when while his shield is down (with the shotgun). if you see him point at you, you better shoot him in the head immediately. shooting him in the body won't kill him. sorry for being misleading.
(changed 11.27.03)
.. once you get used to it, the game really isn't so hard
Category: Divine Intervention. A mysterious woman tasked Alexios with solving a strange riddle. But perhaps the strangest riddle was the woman herself. Divine Intervention. Beginning at 10th level, you can call on your deity to intervene on your behalf when your need is great. Imploring your deity's aid requires you to use your action. Describe the assistance you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower than your cleric level, your deity intervenes.
Divine Intervention 5e
I made this game as a portfolio piece so I could more successfully attempt getting a job. I started in january, but that was on and off. I didn't work on it full time until late summer. I thought it would be the first scroller/shooter of it's kind, but madness interactive and nightmare beat me to it, and did it really well. I'd love to show you guys a full 5 level game.. but that would be way over 5 megs and would take me another year.
If you like this game, and you also happen to be a relevent employer in or around NYC.. GIVE ME A JOB. I am poor and lame.
other than that, go watch 'beautiful day' again with a loved one.
11.22.03 - fixed walking glitch
Divine Intervention Mtg
Divine Intervention 5e
I made this game as a portfolio piece so I could more successfully attempt getting a job. I started in january, but that was on and off. I didn't work on it full time until late summer. I thought it would be the first scroller/shooter of it's kind, but madness interactive and nightmare beat me to it, and did it really well. I'd love to show you guys a full 5 level game.. but that would be way over 5 megs and would take me another year.
If you like this game, and you also happen to be a relevent employer in or around NYC.. GIVE ME A JOB. I am poor and lame.
other than that, go watch 'beautiful day' again with a loved one.
11.22.03 - fixed walking glitch
Divine Intervention Mtg
Divine Intervention Podcast Notes
It is possible to treat and arrest the disease of addiction and lead healthy, prosperous and productive lives. We offer the most comprehensive consultation, assessment, treatment placement and case management services for individuals, families and businesses in the nation. We specialize in quality, affordable treatment services that includes the proper placement in the right treatment program based on insurance and individual needs. We remain involved throughout the recovery process and actively follow and direct the case management of each client for a minimum of 24 months post treatment. It is imperative that those seeking help for their loved ones are afforded the complete spectrum of services in order to make the most appropriate decision for care and recovery. It is possible to make the wrong decision which costs you time, money, energy ,precious recovery and sobriety for your loved one. There are over 25,000 programs that offer treatment of some kind in the United States alone. All programs, however, do not provide all of the necessary services for everyone. Divine Intervention assists you or your loved one to identify the program that will provide you with the highest level of care for your circumstances. Call us today to start your recovery.